Information Collection and Use
Introduction to the Terms of Use:
Our online store welcomes you and informs you that below you will find the terms and conditions governing your use of this store and all legal implications resulting from your use of the store's services via this electronic platform. The use of the store by any person, whether as a consumer of a service or a store product or otherwise, constitutes agreement and acceptance from them. This is with their full legal capacity deemed valid by law and regulations for all the provisions of this agreement. It confirms your commitment to its regulations and what is mentioned therein. This agreement applies to all types of transactions between the consumer and the store. This agreement is effective and enforceable once you agree to it and start registering with the store under Article 10 of the Saudi Electronic Transactions Law.
Article 1 - Introduction and Definitions:
The above preamble is an integral part of this agreement. Below you will find the meanings and definitions of the key terms used in this agreement:
1. (Refdah): This definition includes all forms of the store on the World Wide Web, whether it is a mobile application, an electronic website on the World Wide Web, or a physical store.
2. (Consumer): The person who engages in electronic commerce to obtain the products or services provided by the store through its electronic platform.
3. (Agreement): This term refers to the terms and conditions of this agreement, which govern and regulate the relationship between the parties to this agreement.
Article 2 - Legal Eligibility of the Consumer:
1. The consumer acknowledges that they have legal eligibility considered valid by law and regulations to deal with the store, or they are at least eighteen years old.
2. The consumer agrees that if they violate this article, they will bear the consequences of this violation before others.
Article 3 - Nature of Commitment:
1. The commitment of the store towards consumers is to provide the service or product.
2. The store may provide other services such as after-sales services or other related services, depending on the nature and type of the service or product requested by the consumer.
Article 4 - Usage Guidelines:
1. The consumer agrees to use the store's electronic platform in accordance with public etiquette and the applicable regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2. When purchasing a service or product from this store, the consumer agrees not to use this service or product in a manner that contradicts public etiquette and the applicable regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Article 5 - Accounts and Registration Obligations:
Upon applying to join membership in this store as a user, you are obligated to disclose specific information and choose a username and a secret password to be used when accessing the store's services. Therefore, you agree to:
1. Be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and password, and to immediately inform this store of any unauthorized use of your account information with the store or any other unauthorized access to your confidential information.
2. Under no circumstances will the store be liable for any direct or indirect loss incurred by you as a result of disclosing the consumer's name or login credentials.
3. You are responsible for using your account or membership with the store yourself, as you are fully responsible for it. If someone else uses it, this indicates that you have authorized them to use the store on your behalf and on your account.
4. When using the store, you commit to using it seriously and credibly.
5. You commit to disclosing true, accurate, up-to-date, complete, and legal information about yourself as required during registration with the store, and you agree to update your data when it changes in reality or when necessary.
6. Our store is committed to treating your personal information and contact details with complete confidentiality.
7. If it becomes apparent to the store that you have disclosed untrue, inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, or illegal information, or violated the terms of use agreement, the store reserves the right to suspend, freeze, or cancel your membership or store and your account on the platform, without compromising the store's other rights and legitimate means to reclaim its rights and protect other consumers.
8. In case of non-compliance with any of the above, the store management reserves the right to suspend or cancel your store or membership or block you from accessing the store's services again.
Article 6 - Electronic Communications and Official Communication Channels:
1. The parties to this agreement agree that communication shall be conducted through the email registered on the platform.
2. The consumer agrees that all agreements, advertisements, data, and other communications provided electronically shall have the same legal effect as their written counterparts and shall be considered valid evidence in meeting regulatory and legal requirements.
3. The consumer agrees to the possibility of being contacted and informed of any provisions related to this agreement or their dealings through the store management broadcasting general messages to all consumers or to specific users of the store.
Article 7 - Amendments to the Terms of Use and Fees:
1. If any provision or clause in this agreement is canceled or becomes ineffective, this does not invalidate the validity of the remaining provisions, clauses, rules, and terms of this agreement, which remain valid until further notice from the store management.
2. This agreement, which is amended from time to time according to the circumstances, constitutes the mechanism of operation, understanding, and agreement between the consumer and the store.
3. The store may impose fees on some consumers depending on the offers, products, or services they request or the fees or taxes imposed by the state on the nature of the product or service.
4. The store reserves the right to add, increase, decrease, or discount any fees or expenses under the terms and conditions of the Terms of Use agreement, for any of the consumers, regardless of the reason for their registration.
Article 8 - Payment and Settlement Services for Stores in the Store:
1. The store provides, through its partners, a payment and settlement system in the store, which can be done entirely online through the payment options available on the store or through any payment method provided by the store from time to time.
2. The store undertakes to determine the price of the service or product it offers in its store according to the market value recognized.
3. The store is committed to providing invoices, receipts, and receipt vouchers for all amounts and profits arising in its store, and undertakes to provide the consumer with a purchase invoice for a service or product.
4. The store is committed to providing accounting specifications recognized in its online store, in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, and for the legal, economic, commercial, and organizational interests in this regulation.
Article 9 - Intellectual Property:
1. The intellectual property rights of the store are fully owned by the store, whether owned by them before the establishment of this electronic platform or after its establishment.
2. The consumer respects the intellectual property rights of the store, including the store's name, words, logos, and other symbols displayed on it, as each right attributed to the store's name is a fully owned intellectual property right of the store.
Article 10 - Store Liability:
1. The store commits to conducting its business through this electronic platform in a regular manner and in accordance with the regulations applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the provisions of this agreement.
2. The store shall not be liable for any claims arising from errors or negligence, whether directly, indirectly, incidentally, by the consumer, or by a third party such as shipping companies.
3. (Store Name) and its affiliates, owners, and representatives undertake that the (product or service) is sound, legal, authorized, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and is used for legitimate purposes.
Article 11 - Restriction of Access or Membership:
The store may suspend or cancel the consumer's membership or restrict the consumer's access to platform services at any time and without notice and for any reason, without limitation.
Article 12 - Applicable Law or Regulation:
This Terms of Use agreement is governed and formulated in accordance with the laws, regulations, and legislation applicable and in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and is fully subject to the regulations applied by the authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Article 13 - General Provisions:
If any provision or clause in this Terms of Use agreement is canceled or becomes ineffective, or if there is any provision or clause in the Terms of Use agreement that is no longer valid, this does not invalidate the validity of the remaining provisions, clauses, and terms of the Terms of Use agreement, which remain valid until further notice from the store management.
This Terms of Use agreement, which may be amended from time to time as required, constitutes the Terms of Use agreement and the mechanism of operation, understanding, agreement, and contract between the store and the consumer. Both parties to this agreement agree to consider the following:
1. The Arabic language is the language used when interpreting the provisions of this agreement or when translating them into another language.
2. All prices displayed on the store's services or products may be modified from time to time.
3. Promotional or marketing offers that the store may put forward are temporary offers, as the store has the right to modify or suspend these promotional or marketing offers at any time.
4. The parties to this agreement are committed to dealing with each other in a manner that does not violate the legal rules, regulations, and laws related to the nature of the dealings between the store and the consumer.
5. This Terms of Use agreement shall only be canceled by a decision issued by the store management.